For beautiful and bold entrepreneur, Esther Aderonke ApinkeAde Taiwo, this birthday is special. It’s worth celebrating but in a different way. Hitting the fifth floor in good health, to her, is God’s greatest gift and she would not feign ignorance of that fact. How does she feel being 50? Why did she choose a special mode of celebration? How has she managed her high-flying company, Damselbrand, in Texas USA where she is based with her family? The successful wife, mother and businesswoman, explains all in this interview with the Owambevibes Team

Owambevibes: How do you feel clocking 50 today?
Surprisingly, I’m not feeling any 50. It feels to me like I’m 35 years old. I feel really young and now I want to believe the saying that ‘age is just a number’. However, I feel blessed. I feel fulfilled. I am grateful to God for the chance to be alive and well. Every year, all I do is thank God for bringing me this far.
Owambevibes: Why did you choose to do giveaways to your followers on social media and not accept your birthday gifts?
I get lots of gifts every year for my birthday, so this year, I feel there’s nothing they will gift me that I can’t afford for myself. Meanwhile, there are people out there that need the help. Then, it’s my golden jubilee year, I needed to thank God in a significant way, so I chose to divert my gifts to support people and I have no regrets doing it because I feel fulfilled with the smile on people’s face after receiving the money
Owambevibes: Are you planning a big party to celebrate your golden jubilee?
Of course yes! When the time comes, the date and venue will be revealed.
Owambevibes: How was growing up?

Growing up was really hard. I lost my mom when I was six years old and lost my dad when I was 10 years old. It wasn’t fun but I thank God for today. I attended Salvation Army Primary School Ibadan, Oyo State. Also, I studied Business Administration at the Polytechnic of Ibadan. When I relocated to the US, I also attended El Paso Community College, University of Texas El Paso where I studied Occupational Therapy.
Owambevibes: How and when did you establish Damselbrand?
I started my business by buying from wholesalers and I would re-sell. Then, I was about 20 years old and then through the help of God I established and registered my business in the year 2006.
Owambevibes: What are those items you sell? Are there plans to have branches in Nigeria or elsewhere?
First, I started with jewellery. But then in 2006, I added lace fabrics, gold jewellery, shoes and bags. Then, after some years of ordering online I started traveling overseas to buy my goods. Plans are underway for branches in Nigeria but currently, we instruct customers to pay to the company’s account in the United States and we help send their goods to Nigeria
Owambevibes: As a businesswoman in Diaspora, how have you fared with dealings with clients outside where you live?
Dealing with clients outside where I live can be challenging. This is due to the cultural differences, the time/ zone differences and then, the exchange rate which is very unstable. But then, it’s been fun for me because I get to know people from different diversities.

Owambevibes: Are there challenges with your kind of business?
The main challenge is this skyrocketing and unstable exchange rate. Its killing businesses!
Owambevibes: How can a woman successfully manage her business and then a home?
Managing a business and a home can be challenging but I personally don’t see it as such because I love what I do. However, my husband, Babajide Taiwo, has been a great support system and I’m thankful to God for this.
Owambevibes: When did you relocate from Nigeria to the US?
That is over two decades now.

Owambevibes: Why is Damsel brand different from others in Texas?
One compliment I receive from my clients everyday is my customer service relations. They also commend my reasonable prices, I always make sure my prices are affordable and my goods are of good quality
Owambevibes: How fashionable are you?
I love fashion a lot. I love looking gorgeous and the love of fashion was what prompted me to start my fashion business. Some of the Nigerian women in Diaspora don’t really care about fashion due to work schedule; some don’t even like African fashion that much. However, my observation made me to start promoting African look on my page in order to encourage them. Gradually, many started embracing it and will order for such stuffs on my page.
Owambevibes: Happy birthday to you today but can you tell us your birthday wish?
I want to live long in sound health and I want all the people around me to live long as well
Owambevibes: Are there memories you cherish as you clock 50?
Yes. I remember that there was a time in my life when I only had one pair of shoes, I wear it on weekdays and on Sunday I wear it to church. But today my house is full of shoes. I can afford to buy as many as I want glory be to God
I’m happy today because God has never left me; He gave me a good man, my husband, Babajide Taiwo and our lovely children Pelumi and Titi. God brought them into my life and my story changed. I also want to thank all my family members, all my adopted children, all my friends and my FANMILY. May we all live to witness many more years in Jesus name.
Owambevibes: Kindly advise young entrepreneurs who plan to have your kind of business?
My advice is that young entrepreneurs should make sure they love what they do. This is because this will help them overcome any challenges they encounter in the course of doing the business. Don’t go into a business because everyone is doing it. First, have a flair for it. Love it and you will do the business effortlessly.
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